Shemal Gods

The Lilith Gods – 5 Mysteries of Shemal-Lilitu

Adults Only

Shemal GodsThe name of Her Assyrian consort, which is also known as “North,” can be translated. Shemal is also associated with an old Syrian religion called the left hand tantra. It is not known if this faith survived Islam, but it provides the only description of Lilith’s five mysteries. Details are provided below.

After centuries of plundering Shemal-Lilitu, the descendants of 4WNTO are almost reverent and see the entity as the Source for Objective True Will made manifest. They have learned to ferry incredible technologies and refine strange elixirs from the myriad of substances within Shemal-Lilitu. The monstrous creatures and gruesome machines that they encounter are not meant to kill them, but to teach them patience, perseverance and spiritual growth.

Some 4WNTO descendants believe that Shemal Lilitu is of Eldar or ancient race origin and are trying to find a solution to bring her back into the Webway so it can repair its dislocated brain. They have also learned to telepathically communicate with Shemal-Lilitu and its many creatures and bioforms, forming a fractal collective consciousness that is often mistaken for the Twisted Tree itself.

Shemal-Lilitu is a phantom that flits across the void, accompanied by thousands worshipful servants. He prefers those with a high level of Psychic Domination, but will accept specimens of all races including some Tyranids or Tau. His power seems to diminish when he does not receive a constant supply of sperm with Y chromosomes.